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For centuries our forefathers and foremothers in vernal solstice celebrated the beginning of the New Year. Countdown to New Year just began March 22. Mention Christmas and New Year songs: "Arrived lastivochka", "Shoyu, shoyu, posivayu, New Year salute you." Of course, every conscious prime auto person saying that sow only in warm, humidified soil, not in the frozen ground. And of course, lastivochky prime auto fly in spring and in any case not in the winter.
I emphasize the word "free" prime auto because the slave is unable Perfected!
Without hesitation drops.
Vishny Enerhopotik
Sanctify space
Fire Canvas "beginning"
(7 -Dzherelo Implementation):
On 05.02.2014 y. Fiery Canvas "Implementation" sounds
Read through Enerhosoty by linking to the source Unity, Implementation:
Just trivial.
Plan - drawing - Implements, energy developments materialize.
Well - glorious, light - clear, sunny - bright,
Tsyfrona 16
Tsyfrona May 2
1.Zavzhdy is
Collect completed, seven plus seven! prime auto
Tsyfrona 13
Watch ТворцяРахуєтермінЗростання - formation.
Life for Reflection: World Spirit transform the body and soul.
Vishny father prime auto walked Light Living Word!
Unit - dissolve. Dissolve!
Glides, glides, promote, Stability rutynuZmyvaye. prime auto
Tsyfrona May 2
Enerhosota ol (C-106)
Aol Enerhosota (C-1)
Sometimes it flies in space carries light of the events!
Enerhosota Zero (C-18) Persistence observer: Force Rod UkrivPiznayu!
Flying LavynoyuDolya human harmonious - high Horobryh- strong.
B R A H M A H and B
Vanguard Aviation: Process NavchannyaPryskoryuyu!
Light radiant Spirit Creator, harmony of soul, flesh of man
Aol Enerhosota (C-1)
Impulse intelligence: Cost Will Vyznachayu.Istynni Knowledge Universe I study!
Effectiveness achievements: Proceedings TvorchuMotyvuyu!
Enerhosota Uol (TS- 24)
Sixth RasaChas opens, stream efiruSmilyvo guide.
I enter decorated, events foretelling. Peretvoryuyus!
Tsyfrona 12
Creating prime auto Enerhokarkas! Creative Event Formation!
Flesh mitsnuZhyvym Word
Aol Enerhosota (C-1)
Effectiveness achievements: Proceedings TvorchuMotyvuyu!
Vishny Vibration Flow: Resistance prime auto to spokusVprovadzhuyu! Rule Golden Middle
Food safety rules materializes!
Enerhosota Yuol (TS- 107)
Sunny Prom yin sent!
Chaotic Charisma: Silas Kshatriya Formation! prime auto Honor and dignity of a statesman, peacemaker
Vanguard Aviation: Process NavchannyaPryskoryuyu!
PiznannyaSyly TvortsyaVdoskonalyuyu!
Enerhosota Toll (C-23)
Persistence observer: Force Rod Ukrs truth! I remember the past, live in the present, the Council of Future Steps!
Do it
Enerhosota Yol (C-11)
Thought through-said-have done!
Enerhosota Zhol (C-9)
Sometimes fly in space!
I remember the past, live in the present, the Council of Future Steps!
Kiss the perfection of the world!
He made light of the events!
Impulse prime auto intelligence: Cost Will Vyznachayu.Istynni Knowledge prime auto Universe I study!
Living Word works!
Enerhosota Ol (C-19) prime auto image-based Creator: Cherry Ghost, light soul,
Flying LavynoyuDolya human harmonious - high Horobryh- strong.
Enerhosota Yol (C-11)
Enerhosota Paul (TS- 20)
Enerhosota Toll (C-23)
Enerhosota Ol (C-19)
Thought through-said-have done!
Knowledge Force Creator improve!
He opened the gate of heaven!
Flying LavynoyuDolya prime auto human harmonious - high Horobryh- strong.
Lol Enerhosota (-16 C)
Enerhosota Dole (C-6)
Persistence observer: prime auto Force Rod UkrivPiznayu!
Since B R O O K & T
Sacrament of Creation: Body LyudskiSvitlom fill! LyudskuDo Essence prime auto Sun Creator
You - you running, you-want. I Present-Future Formation!
Unit - dissolve. Dissolve!
Prohorivshy deep in Creation, Co-Creator is building! I know!
In vyhruZakruzhlyav dancing and zavertivsya,
Fire Canvas "Implementation" prime auto
However, the material - just trivial. Raises! Height of the Spirit
Tsyfrona 20
Glides, glides, promote, Stability rutynuZmyvaye.
Enerhosota Baule (C-2)
You - you running, you-want. I Present-Future Formation!
He opened the gate of heaven!
Radical Role: