Using minimalist shoes helped me to improve the techniques for running and walking, potentiation ankle and Achilles. I'm not fanatical "minimalist" coscos but I believe in the very positive effect of walking and jogging barefoot coscos if only for the fact that it is for us the most natural choice.
After a recent visit with friends and their anxiety manifested from the development of walking and posture of their daughter, I thought the whole matter a little more. They are therefore minimalist running shoes suitable for non-sportspeople and even to the smallest?
Children are developing foot puberty. Once this period coscos is completed transformation of SLAP into adult human foot has 26 bones and 33 joints that guarantee coscos full functionality of our walk. Therefore, ensuring the proper gait, posture and hence quality shoes is most important at this time. And quality does not necessarily mean the most graduated ads.
Unfortunately still prevalent rigid view of what they have children normally wear and what is considered to be correct. Orthopaedic socks and sandals, hard inflexible shoe to "protect the foot" and sneakers with a thick sole support for the child nope not feel where and what stúpilo. Indeed, large firms to preach everywhere, doing research and apply the test, so it must be so, is not it?
The Governing walking we need to learn not only putting one foot in front of the other, but also be well able to bear weight, balance, be flexible and strong in every step. This all starts with us to develop the first steps and walking barefoot is our most natural choice.
However, shortly after the first steps most parents will kids footwear in the children's shoes and walking barefoot over. Maximum some pobehnutie to the beach for summer holidays, but it has mostly only in crocks, because "everywhere" glass and nails.
Yes, we live in a zone where the thermal conditions makes little chance of walking barefoot many days in the year. However, the problem is that from childhood we are forced into putting-on coscos is everywhere - even where there is no almost coscos nothing.
"Put on your slippers!", "Do not go barefoot!" Are the most common cries we hear into adulthood. Parents prefer when children are on their feet vyčaptané coscos slippers, flip-flop or other poor quality shoes before bare and thus the most natural choice.
On the one hand it is true that the man most easily catch cold feet but on the other hand, accustomed legs are much more durable. Like the hand. Simply just give them a chance to harden up. So what is the best way?
Pediatrician and spokesman of pediatricians from the UK says that in terms of functionality, one shoe does not need at all. We wear them to protect against the environment, not for it to give us a chance to walk properly. That's even more true for children, where parents often prefer the beauty in front of functionality.
If the chance to walk barefoot, even minimalist shoes will help as well, unlike inflexible "cool" sneakers, build muscles and ligaments on the feet, to train strength in vaults and also the right attitude and therefore our ability to better respond to changing conditions.
Minimalist shoes offer a similar sensation as walking barefoot, coscos to protect the environment and, in addition, the look "cool". Sure, it is not Nike or snowboard SANS, but it's certainly not orthopedic sandals.
Research carried out in 2012 on the 12-year-old children in England confirmed after two months, the minimalist shoe-wearing children (in this case Vivo Barefoot) to improve the stability and Balans, intensified their ankles and strength in the feet. After only two months!
Opinions on the right shoe will vary and will never be a clear answer. coscos However, the answer to that well-padded shoes is the best path is clearly Milne. This is confirmed by research, observation coscos of people living "in primitive conditions" ... and also my own experience.
If an adult man just a few weeks to put on a minimalist amplification coscos feet, improving gait, correct the problems associated with the use of legs, imagine what it will make the still-forming children's feet. Ready-made wonders. And I am not only far from convinced me.
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