Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why is trying to make this attack, as it semantically undone? Or where one is not willing to go as

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in America, so also here. Do not lead us astray, but deliver us from the evil one, say, of the political dissidents. Do not give them the authority to interpret your inscrutable ways, but us! And lead us not into temptation, for this purpose, just to have together spin anything to us, but deliver us for praise your glory for ever convincing evidence, that we do not like stand there clueless when once something happens, what you can but not in anyone's have.
But God did not answer. For it sprang, even if Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist may see this differently Church, not his will, which had taken place on the last Saturday in the supermarket parking lot in Tucson / Arizona, but to the will of a certain lakeside collections Jared Loughner. lakeside collections He stretched know, the Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in the head down and shot after that wildly. Contrary to the initial police reports it is his work seemed to be an isolated offender who refuses any statement about his motives, contrary to my initial assumption.
Since even God can watch the people only in the head, but not into it, remains at present only be stated: Our Father in heaven do not know what was the motive for Loughner's act. And since it does not even know the Almighty, we certainly do not know it. The only one who might know it, would be the 22-year-old Jared Loughner. But the young murderer is no doubt - which was quite clear early on - tangled, but also - what was clear beyond doubt until his judicial hearing - in their right mind. Repeats had in his Loughner lakeside collections - Internet texts pointed to the constitutionally guaranteed right to remain silent - usually quite confused.
Confused, but in their right mind - is whatever to keep it under these circumstances lakeside collections of his motivations, one of probably confused interwoven lakeside collections explain away lives Loughner in its present extremely uncomfortable situation consistently: the megalomaniac desire for a global audience. , Is as it says on stern.de In the United States, now a "civil war of the words" flared, while in this country rather just left and liberal media eagerly strive not to fall into the suspected massacre in Tucson lakeside collections for their political agenda want to exploit. Here on the Ruhr barons put conservative lakeside collections commentators emphasis on the finding that it is by no means a straight-line connection between the assassination of Tucson and the Tea Party.
In the Tagesspiegel, Malte Lehming warns of 'quick judgments "about" the perfidious act "in telepolis has Peter Mühlbauer out that" literature lists only conditionally say something about assassins ", and Bernd Pickert governs in the taz also still the same the correct use of language: "The Legend of the assassination", the title of his contribution; subhead: "debate after shooting rampage in Arizona." So instead of shooting spree assassination, for, thus Pickert, "what Loughner, however, has been done on Saturday, more reminiscent of the Columbine High School massacre in recent times since Columbine lakeside collections than to the classical political assassination". And that's why it was "a cheaper reflex, now (that Tea Party WJ) to join Jared L. Loughner's massacre a direct line from this kind of aggressive rhetoric".
It is of course nothing more than rhetoric when Pickert hear a direct line in the taz, the who intends to draw whatsoever. And it is right, whatever the motivation lakeside collections research will result in: a how Loughner can be drawn in a serious argument no direct lines. Everything else is wrong: what happened on Saturday in Arizona, was not a rampage instead of an attack, but a massacre and assassination, or: a massacre after an assassination attempt. I concede that it is not entirely uncommon to refer to a planned massacre rampage. Consider this fine distinction lakeside collections as a quibble; important, however, that not only the indiscriminate slaughter of uninvolved people was planned, but also the targeted attack on Gabrielle Giffords.
Why is trying to make this attack, as it semantically undone? Or where one is not willing to go as far as in the taz to represent it as an attack on the nature of the attacks on Oskar Lafontaine (1990) and Wolfgang lakeside collections Schäuble? Pickerts speculation, Loughner had not even noticed by the smear campaign of the tea party is outrageous, his shots on Gabrielle Giffords were not only carefully planned, but politically motivated. Last Saturday, the first politically motivated assassination attempt took place in Tucson to a federal policy

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