Thursday, April 30, 2015

As in previous years and the past few days in just three controls of a car in Skopje, found and sei

On the eve of New Year holidays by the Ministry of Interior are continuously taking measures and actions to monitor the situation with the illegal sale of fireworks and its suppression.
As in previous years and the past few days in just three controls of a car in Skopje, found and seized more than 140,000 pieces of fireworks. Also, the past two weeks controls to be implemented in other cities throughout the country with seized about 25,000 pieces of fireworks - fireworks, flares and fireworks.
So, last week, precisely on the 17th this month on the road Skopje Blace border crossing at gas station "Euroaktiva" by police "Alpha" is stopped PMV "Seat Cordoba" with Skopje license plates, driven by FB (21) from the village of Blace and inspection of the vehicle were found and seized a total of 95,000 pieces of firecrackers. Then the same date around 22.40 am on the highway Skopje-Tetovo, particularly in Canyon interchange by UPS of PS for BPS-Tetovo highway, was stopped PMV "Sead Toledo" in Gostivar license plates driven by B.J. ( 29) of Gostivar, as passenger was caught restaurants in king of prussia off guard SJ (59) from Gostivar. In search of the vehicle, particularly restaurants in king of prussia in the boot they found 6,700 pieces of pyrotechnics (fireworks and flares) that the confirmation of seized items were seized. Persons have been detained and 23.20 pm with confiscated items were handed over to UPS from CBC Gorce Petrov for further action.
18 this month, the output of Skopje, restaurants in king of prussia near the gas station "Makpetrol" has stopped PMV "Audi A6" with Skopje license restaurants in king of prussia plates, driven by SM (32) from Skopje. In search of the vehicle found and confiscated 11 259 133 firecrackers and fireworks.
On the same date by the police officers from the SVR Bitola executive search is the home of MM (25) in Bitola, were found and seized a total of 6360 pieces of crackers. Yesterday again (20:12). Makedonska Kamenica by pol.sluzhbenici of NKKR Delcevo executive is searched the house and auxiliary facilities of the JV (45) and at the TA "Savajo" restaurants in king of prussia (store) owned by the wife of JV where they found a receipt for seized items confiscated a total of 4320 pieces of crackers.
Also more such activities earlier this month in Skopje as Bitola and Stip were found and seized nearly 15,000 pieces of various fireworks of the famous "pirates" until the rockets, fireworks shaped "kashikara" explosive firecrackers fireworks "Magic restaurants in king of prussia Sat "and more.
After fully documenting cases implemented by the Ministry of Interior restaurants in king of prussia against the perpetrators will be brought appropriate charges. Otherwise, as a reminder, last year by the Ministry of Interior seized over 253,000 thousand firecrackers restaurants in king of prussia and against persons involved in the resale of these funds were filed additional submissions.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In the middle oc letnany which celebrates vajanite people with sharp features (what people generall

We all know at least one woman in years whose angelic skin and in the seventh decade of life successfully oc letnany defies the passage of time, and those women already in the 35th year of life look at least 20 years older.
Because the (best) genes are passed from parents to children, it is quite logical oc letnany that one of the best signs that carry good genes will actually oc letnany be your parents oc letnany and how they passe. oc letnany
Although even candy to your parents in adulthood does not guarantee oc letnany that it will opt for their steps, it is a very good indicator oc letnany of how you look when you're on their age.
In the middle oc letnany which celebrates vajanite people with sharp features (what people generally have success in the fashion, film and music industry), experts argue that actually oc letnany rounded are those who in later years have the best chance to oppose the years.
It is not coincidence that the correct structure of the bones of the face is one of the things that love dermatologists, because it creates one "triangle of youth" which experts say is one of the best indicators oc letnany of subliminal others that a person is young.
Therefore, people with centuries subconsciously oc letnany see hair as a sign of vitality.
Hoxha Trzhan and Sandra African lesbian clinch (video) 2015 Euromedia Net Skopje. All rights reserved.

The survey conducted by the British health insurance company Bhupathi showed that people really usr

50 things that make people happy! | Zdravstvo24 kika brno
The survey conducted by the British health insurance company Bhupathi showed that people really usrekjuvaat sundries, and nearly two-thirds of the 2,000 respondents as something that makes them happy selected fresh linens, writes Net.
1. Sleep in clean bedding 2. To feel the sun on your face 3. When people kika brno say thank you, or when foreigners do something kindly 4. Unexpected finding the money for themselves 5. Time 6. Laughter hurts 7. Caress the sofa 8. Fresh bread 9. To do anything other 10. Feeling purity shower 11. When the radio is playing our favorite song 12. Reduced prices kika brno 13. To listen to rain and thunderstorms from comfortable home 14. Freshly cooked tea or coffee 15. 16. Personal success long, hot bath
17. First Snow 18. Freshly mown grass 19. chocolate melts in the mouth 20. An activity kika brno of fresh air 21. Frying bacon for breakfast 22. Playing with pets 23. Massage for relaxation 24. What feeling is Friday 25th Perfectly fried steak 26. Waking up before the alarm 27. Exercise 28. Rainbow 29. When you remember the name of someone or something, and you thought you forgot 30. When cake or pie will come out perfect 31. Walking in the dry leaves Autumn 32. Shooting of air bubbles from foil 33. Swimming in the sea or lake 34. Scent of new car 35. Dancing like no one sees 36 Scent of a book 37. Scent of wine 38. Putting inscription of walking vacation before leaving work 39. Dressing of new socks 40. Watch your own breath of cold air 41. Getting a new cabinet accessories 42. Singing in the shower 43. vacancy bus, tram, train 44. When you choose orange kika brno easily peeled 45. undoing the pants after eating 46. Sound when opening a new jar with jam 47. clutching kika brno pimples 48. Clean the ears 49. Cleaning the bathroom 50. Royal family kika brno
Unfortunately, research has shown that people rarely actually experience moments that make them happy. One of the eight people say that moment felt happy experiences once a month, and almost every fifth respondent had the inspiration to have something that makes you happy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Macedonian language is not typical for the use of the same reference (reference language) of a

In this example, is used as a form typical for administrative speech and speech rights. When this form is used in everyday practice, it sounds very bad and inappropriate. Especially a person can not speak the same, because the person can change or be different. This expression is the result of a shabloniziranje language. From legal acts slowly penetrated into everyday speech, although such forms should slowly discharged from the language. In the sentence, instead it should stay personal pronoun he.
The Macedonian language is not typical for the use of the same reference (reference language) of a previously used term. There are several ways in which achieves such a reference, but often used demonstrative and personal pronouns.
In contrast, the same is an adjective and its most common use is for clarification of a noun, in a similar way as it would be done with the same adjectives identical, similar, which means to make a comparison with another term.
Depending on the position of the word is the same, so too does the importance of sentences. The first example means Talker buys only two stores that are mentioned, previously mentioned in the text and not necessarily be the same each other.
MT was summoned to court. It does not appear in the courtroom. MR was summoned to court. The same person did not appear in court. Well, this can already. Goran hit Natasha. The same Extends takes possession. I think these examples of this word can be applied. Well, now, in these examples the word "it" is combined with the demonstrative pronoun - the same, referring to "that" the same person, in the first instance - the same (person) - now I do not know why it would not "the same" as word to stand alone, once the above examples it can be concluded that it is the same (person) or the same (he) a man did not come into the courtroom. I just think out loud and not find too much sin in the use of the same, the same - when already know who it is. I offer a solution - the same person (for both sexes - male and female). If you give me a reference to this word, which is used in this situation. Is this your personal opinion, or have someone else stated this as a lecture error? Greetings, Bojan - Lecturer in Macedonian Reply Delete
@ Bojan, we tried to find something mall security on the topic in writing and it is interesting that we found only one place. You can look at the newsletter for language issues "failures", published by the Macedonian Radio - Center for speech and pronunciation. As editors listed Beldedovski Michael and Stephen Ziglin. They write the same standing in posts and explain that this use of "it" is a German kancelarizam (bureaucratic form, a form of administrative language), which arrived in the Macedonian language through mall security Serbia. Whatever the newer books no one mentioned this topic jazicharite not recommend (as I have taught mall security at the university, and often can be found in lecture exam). Otherwise, my personal view is that there is really no need for such unnatural expressions mall security that are not typical of our language. Particularly bother me in a language other than administrative (journalists, for example, in the scientific literature mall security or in daily informal conversation). Change confronted him. Pozz Reply Delete
Bisserka Velkoska Maja Katarova
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Monday, April 27, 2015

Believe it or not, the basic functionality of the web store may be there today for all of all 60 pe

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

The first of this month, EM committed theft cooling system of the refrigerator showcase store stree

5 offenses committed theft | MORIS TV - OHRID
Because of the grounds for suspicion of committing five offenses aafes employment "Theft" Interior Sector Ohrid against the EM (36) of Radovish criminal aafes employment proceedings. With the application, it is comprised K.Z. and face (39) of Struga for committing a criminal act "Hide".
Thefts reported EM committed during aafes employment the last and early this month in a clinic and several other buildings in Ohrid, illegally aafes employment taking away mobile phones, money and other valuables. Thus, gained illegal profit of nearly 100,000, oo denars.
On 25th last month in the period from 11 to 11:30 am, EM He headed to the general hospital in Ohrid. Entering aafes employment the clinic for internal medicine, he used the occasion of a gorgeous jacket left in one of the rooms, seizing mobile phone "iPhone". Several days before, reported seizing three mobile phones from the catering facility "Bonimi". There, he noticed a bag left on a chair which, taking advantage of the negligence of the owner, taken from an "iPhone" and two mobile phone brand "Nokia". The feast of the Epiphany, the reported EM unnoticeable from the pocket of older revoked from Ohrid wallet with 9.5oo denars value and bank cards and other documents. Just as money and gold necklace, EM He managed to confiscate ottrgnuvajkji and bag of older ohrigjanka.
The first of this month, EM committed theft cooling system of the refrigerator showcase store street "Pere Toshev" in Ohrid. He use of physical force to otkornal copper pipes and electrical cable on which his own system whose value was about 20 000, oo denars.
Secondly reported K.Z. as the owner of the store for mobile phones in Struga, although he knew that phones and other items are from thefts still redeem them for resale. He occasionally EM His replacement performed for other items.
The reported EM any person with whom the warrant was rapishana SIA Strumica aafes employment and prison in Strumica. Once, SIA Ohrid found and detained, it is attached to the penal correctional institution in Strumica.
OHRID "Dinner aafes employment for Fools" again before the people of Ohrid high delegation from Lower Normandy to visit Ohrid Minister: We are making maximum Ohrid opposition drowned in crime criminal charges for two people aafes employment of Ohrid and kichevchanec because robberies Macedonia aafes employment Struga hosts training for local youth strategies for the municipal administration during the last week disciplined aafes employment 30 police officers International Training Course "Entercaution" in Struga Hieromartyr Artemon, Holy Martyr Crescens and the Holy Martyr Tomaida Archive Data Select month April 2015 (215) March 2015 (204 ) February 2015 (204) јануари 2015 (219) декември 2014 (210) ноември 2014 (196) октомври 2014 (201) септември 2014 (171) август 2014 (230) јули 2014 (253) јуни 2014 (218) мај 2014 (233 ) April 2014 (188) март 2014 (220) февруари 2014 (196) јануари 2014 (185) декември 2013 (202) ноември 2013 (215) октомври 2013 (237) септември 2013 (197) август 2013 (121) July 2013 (87 ) May 2013 (32) April 2013 (41) March 2013 (109) February 2013 (51) January 2013 (70) December 2012 (66) November 2012 (26) October 2012 (24) September 2012 (27) August 2012 (23 ) July 2012 (65) June 2012 (50) May 2012 (83) April 2012 (21)
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No teacher who does not want children to be in the classroom. No parent wants the child to the Scho

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Next week will begin the process of hiring 2,000 people who will be engaged in municipalities performing public works for six months. This Government has already allocated one million euros, and planned additional engagements of 2,000 people.
This was stated Aleksandar Georgiev, spokesperson of the Government. "We will be engaged currently unemployed people with low qualifications or older people from 55 years of age. Persons during the work placement will receive financial compensation from 7.600 denars per month that includes insurance in case of accidents at work and occupational illness. People reserve the right to health insurance, veneto designer outlet "said Georgiev. During operation engaged person does not lose rights based on unemployment. If engaged person using this social transfer, it pending engagement will be put on hold, and after the re-engagement with legal force. "Persons applying for engagement have already submitted their applications to the municipalities together submitted projects and the government approved funds. Approved all 75 submitted projects, landscaping of public areas, hygiene, arranging spaces, horticulture ... "said Georgiev. veneto designer outlet With this measure, the Government in cooperation with the municipalities work will hire about 4,000 people will receive financial compensation of 7,600 per month for a period of six months veneto designer outlet with respect to their rights.
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Friday, April 24, 2015

It soon as they arrived by herself lowes department store running forward led to the house. To test

Story about reincarnation from which you freeze the blood - a case in which faith and unbelievers (Video) |
The story of Shanti Devi imagine even the biggest skeptics who do not believe in reincarnation. Her case examined many scientists, many have tried to find something that will prove her story is not credible. But to this day no one has succeeded - and everyone was skeptic walked amazed and pensive.
Little Shanti in 1930, aged just four years, the home of his parents in Delhi started telling them that once lived in the town of Muttrah (now known as Mathura), and that was the mother lowes department store of three children and died in childbirth, lowes department store and her name was Ludgate.
Her parents first thought that it was a fecund imagination lowes department store of their girl but It shall nonstop ja repeating the story. While eating you said in my other home ate these sweets, wearing such and such wardrobe (describing in detail) even told that her husband was good, had a scar on his face and that his shop was opposite the temple in the city. Her parents lowes department store became concerned lowes department store and decided to investigate.
Indeed it has been shown that there Muttra and that there lived a woman named Ludgate, who died in childbirth. There they took and Shanti, which immediately began to speak the local dialect and recognized him her husband and children from a previous life. She even gave 24 accurate statements of the life of the late Ludgate.
Girl who spoke was born on January lowes department store 18, 1902 in the family Chaturbhuj, who lived in Mathura, lowes department store India. Her name was Lugdi. When it was 10 years given to men with Kedarnath Chaube, who had a shoe store in the village. After puberty she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But complications occurred a few days later, on October 4 and she died at 10 am.
4 years began excitedly shouting ,, this is my home, I have to get back to his home there waiting for me man and child ,, worried parents lowes department store took her to a doctor who can reassure began asking how she died. The girl then 6 years to the last detail had related delivery and complete surgery cesarean section.
They began to wonder and called her husband - but in India there is a custom that women do not say the name and it just suited me if I place.Take immediately known. A local teacher managed to convince them that would lead to the village and if you say the name of the husband.
The teacher wrote a letter addressed to the name of the village in which they told the girl claimed. But I was stunned when it received a quick response back from the man who wrote that the girl told is true. When you heard the story many intellectuals became interested in the girl.
It soon as they arrived by herself lowes department store running forward led to the house. To test her husband prestavile like a brother to her husband but she pocrvenela and travel aside. The mother asked why and she said. ,, This is not the brother of my husband this is my husband. Did not I told you that there are moles on his cheek in his left ear and glasses ,, she said
But her husband still was not convinced and wanted her to say something really intimate lowes department store and personal thing that only his dead wife could know. The girl had health problems with arthritis and bone and was really difficult to have sexual relations. But she found a position which enabled them to have sex. He described the man o smallest detail - that persuaded him. Thousands of scientists, journalists, came to reveal the girl - no one succeeded. Shot is a documentary and written a book about this girl.
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... And that was the mother of three children lowes department store and died in childbirth, and her name was Ludgate ... After puberty she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. But complications occurred a few days later, on October 4 and she died at 10 am. It seems to work for typo or ?????
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Belarus - dictatorship extent of citizen comments Belarus reversed. Those who have never been in th

Belarus - dictatorship extent of citizen comments Belarus reversed. Those who have never been in the country for which is said to be the last dictatorship in Europe asking us why we go. They, in turn, were assured us that there would tidier and more organized state. Finally, what we saw we liked. If dictatorship, then look is largely citizens
Where will you go? In Belarus? Hey, you are not normal ... There our letters do not arrive. You will be arrested at the border, it is a dictatorship, a police state, superstore liquor store flyer even if they see that you are a journalist ... These and similar comments were a common reaction superstore liquor store flyer when someone would say that we are preparing the way for Belarus. As a rule, those were the reactions of people who have never been in that part of Europe. By contrast, the impressions of few who had the opportunity to visit this former Soviet republic was totally opposite. - I lived there for a year. Tidier and more organized state does not exist. There is not just one employee who does not want to work, and crime can be said that no - told the HC Metallurg goalkeeper Rade Mijatovic, who defended a year for Dinamo Minsk. The Belarusian border arrived around 9 am, 11 them after two days traveling through Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Bias for possible complications about border formalities us smile breaks the customs officer, a gentleman with fifty-odd years, the dark blue uniform and with that distinctive winter fur head. The Russian, slow to be able to follow us explaining procedures for entering the country. - Calmly! superstore liquor store flyer For everything that is not you understand, I'm here to help - not downloading the smile from his face tells us while we explained the procedure for the temporary importation of motor vehicle superstore liquor store flyer compulsory superstore liquor store flyer for Belarus. It was not even an hour, and we were already on the road to Minsk, richer for all information needed for travel, which has given us the officer. Osokoleni from easy last frontier, and hurrying to get the workout of metallurgy before the match with Dynamo, it tripped "reputation". superstore liquor store flyer It passed us 5-6 kilometers us stops traffic police. - Good day, I am Captain Ivan Ashaninov of traffic police. Please, your documents. The road was a sign of the speed limit of 50 km per hour, and you You were going 95. I Did you see the sign? - Ask us. - I have seen, but late - justify on their phone records. - Where are you from Macedonia? And go to the handball match? - Through a smile and asks us adds - your documents are in order, let me happy way and please, do more to violate traffic rules. Well, if this is a police state, and then immediately to us to introduce the same kind, joking. ORGANIZED capital to Minsk highway is about 360 kilometers long. Almost right and leads through continuum plain. If you stop and try to count the bends, which are curves, but mild changes in the direction superstore liquor store flyer of movement will not count more than 15 roadside - vast forests, fields, occasional village built exclusively of wooden houses (wood is in abundance), several frozen lakes occupied by fishermen fishing through a hole in the ice and every thirty kilometers occasional gas station or motel. The sense of space and distance here gets quite different scale. Four hours is optimal driving time which is long in Minsk. The first impression of dvomilionskiot Minsk somewhat Spoils of postdozhdovnoto gray Saturday afternoon. Water droplets scattered from vehicles ahead, reduce the visual field of the windshield, and the remains of the snow, which knows when nerastopen roadside stands, fade further superstore liquor store flyer contrasts the outskirts of the Belarusian capital. And while we hear the sounds of a Belarusian rock ballad, which currently goes to radio Minsk, slowly but surely going deeper into the city. Note that road GPS navigation, which for two days so I got used here does not correspond to the street network. superstore liquor store flyer Fortunately, the markings on the streets superstore liquor store flyer and boulevards are so well placed that does not need extra help to get to the city center. superstore liquor store flyer Over every traffic light stand boards with names of streets that are at the crossroads, and their directions. As we approach the center so gradually huge modern apartment blocks, typical of the periphery, are replaced with older architecture. The very core of the city was erected after World War II on the foundations of the old buildings Minsk, which was completely destroyed during the withdrawal of the fascist army. State-owned Wide boulevards, large squares, parks, bridges, buildings in the style of so-called socialist classicism, typical for most major cities of the former USSR is the image that follows us while passing through the downtown area. The sidewalks are wide and clean, without any thowing and other waste is not getting us

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

August 11, 2014 The real summer knock on door

Last night around midnight in the Department of Interior Veles by the person HH (1964) from the village municipality Oreshe cup reported to have burned his shop in the village Oreshe his car brand "Mercedes", which was parked at the store. Immediately acted upon application, exit is on the spot and taken a series operational tactical measures and investigations to determine the causes of the ensuing rimark fire, as well as finding the perpetrator.
In addition, in 00,20chas. in settlement Vranovski rimark Inns municipality cup is deprived of liberty two persons, reasonable suspicion of a crime "causing general danger" and are held in the premises of SIA Veles.
From the findings, it was concluded that on 03.16.2015, around 22:30 pm face GP (1969) rimark from the village municipality Oreshe cup asked his acquaintance NG (1969) from the settlement Prevalec Veles with his passenger car to take him to the village Oreshe. About 23,30chas. they reached the entrance to the village GP himself came out of the car, went to the village, and after 15 minutes he returned, after which the car rushed to Velez.
By order of the public prosecutor by the inspection team of SIA Veles The insight spot where uploaded items and traces of expertise and complete documentation will follow appropriate submission. The initial data that the fire caused a damage of about 10 000.
The GP previously reported for incitement to commit a crime "causing general danger", ie, the burning of the shop and clinic in the village Oreshe for the first-instance court is sentenced to prison and also reported for incitement to commit a crime " murder "for which a court judgment has been sentenced to 13 years in prison.
August 11, 2014 The real summer knock on door

Photo: The new look of the square

That holiday happiness reminds us that we should be happy throughout the year and that despite dawsons department store all problems should enjoy life. For all we know that happiness makes small things, so we offer several motivating suggestions, along with a playlist, through you to the beautification of your time and your loved ones. Please read if you are feeling sad or depressed, go home and grasp the rays of the sun. Sun combined with the fresh air will immediately bring a smile on the face, especially if you are walking by a park, river or meadow. Spremajte his short, but sweet meal Buy your groceries from the nearest shop, open the windows of your kitchen and prepare a delicious meal. Not always cooking for others, this way you do what you want and eat it with your appetite. Lie sleep is your bed earlier or take a nap and feel the beauty of an afternoon nap. This will be filled with energy that will be sufficient for a good mood. Drink coffee or beer prefer coffee or alcohol? Come with friends or sit in your home beautiful atmosphere with coffee or maybe beer. Do not make plans for the weekend forget at least one day of strict plans for your days off. Relax and do what you are doing at that moment. Read a good book Take a book that long your memory and sit down to read. You immerse yourself in it and you lose sense of time, but this is what will make you happy, right? Visit closest If you live outside of the family home, visit family and spend good time with them. And if you collect them together to laugh and it will have beautified day. Buy a gift does not have to be an expensive gift, even a small detail can be a delight. And the time you spend searching for something interesting, you will make you even happier. Dedicated to his hobby If you do not have time during the week for your hobby which you fulfill today's dawsons department store time to change it. Take a camera and take a picture, or a brush and canvas for painting, finished in January enormous puzzle or whatever you fulfill. Believe that you will be paid. Make love if something raises our spirits and fills us with happiness it is definitely making love. Have a happy day!
Photo: The new look of the square "Macedonia"
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

History of the City of Oxford 700 starts in the legend of a Saxon princess who, to escape from King

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History of the City of Oxford 700 starts in the legend of a Saxon princess who, to escape from King lakmiqar, came and hid in a forest where he built a monastery. A small community began to grow outside the door of the monastery and the town began to take shape ginger, churches, markets, spas, footpaths and surrounding grove city outlet walls are still today. But this small town became famous Englishman since the twelfth century when they built the world's first university in the English language. And behold ... to approach the presented it, simple, good, Laughing, Albanian scientist Migena Coast, which adds more confusion to me, but joy. The famous were embraced as long, I took aside ei spoke loudly, "What grove city outlet qenka that my countrymen, that fate smiled grove city outlet somewhat grove city outlet so much?" grove city outlet
It Migena. And, as a Korçare, no how not to be long, elegant, with an attractive face, two large brown eyes, alive and mobile. While speaking to the attention smile that did not split from her face and English with an accent admirable. Migenën walk the streets of "Oxford" -it that abound from bicycles, voices grove city outlet and cries of joy to thousands of students come from all over the world. My questions successive Korçare girl responds with modesty or sometimes changes the conversation telling me some curiosity from the enigmatic city colleges. She stopped steps before an old store with the inscription, "Store Lisa." "It's about," Lisa in Wonderland "she says. The author of Alice, Levvis Carroll, was a mathematician and trader heard in Oxford. Book events held around "Oxford" -it. In this store psonisur Lisa ... "She remembered something from her childhood. "I was wise girl, - says, - less closed, but with a curious grove city outlet desire to learn. I remember the start of school and waited with great emotion; The arithmetic primer kept my head on the bed, weeks before he started grove city outlet school. School started with a thirst to learn everything. Since first grade I was determined to come out of her class because grove city outlet I wanted to take part in "evenings of students distinguish" Korca, because it give the best toys that were in Albania. Since elementary school she attended in math Olympiads in literary competitions, to be organized by Pioneer House. With the beginning of elementary school and study English as a second language, Migenës library doors were opened for reading foreign literature. Slowly began ambition grove city outlet to study abroad in the future. "When I started high school - she says, - I set myself a goal to to finish high school with the" Gold Medal "because I had learned that the government awarded scholarships to study abroad, for these students. During the four years of high school I studied with perseverance not only for taking tenth grade in all subjects, but also for participation in the district Olympiads, chemistry and biology, as one of the criteria for receiving the Gold Medal was and winning a prize national Olympiads. I was lucky in high school "Search Forums" in Korca, we had some teachers who were willing to create advanced courses outside the classroom, to encourage students who have an interest to move on before the programs in textbooks. With the help of a quality that I received from teachers arrived that, in 1993, to win the National Biology Olympiad, and "Gold Medal", to be granted by the Ministry of Education. grove city outlet "With joy and celebration in the family of fulfilling her dream, followed disappointment when he learned that the Albanian government Migena not give scholarships to overseas. The only options were some Egyptian government scholarships to study at a university Religious, something that s'përputhej aspirations daughter had set itself. Then she understood and was convinced that people should try to gain the right to study abroad. She began the Law Faculty in Tirana while trying to get information grove city outlet on university studies in Britain, wish he had because grove city outlet of the connection with the English language literature. Migenës came across a brochure with information on studies in Western Europe and began to write directly institutions, to seek more information. Here began and marathons a year of applying to British universities. It was not easy; difficulty standing that correspondence had to be done through letters, the Internet nor known in Albania, and the information was very limited. "When I came admission results from three British universities, grove city outlet says it - indeed, it seemed incredible.

Monday, April 20, 2015

In 2001, he and Egyptian telecommunications company

Inner circle of loyalists Bashar al-Assad | DAILY NEWSPAPERS

Although Bashar al-Assad inherited the presidency of Syria in 2000 after the death of his father, analysts say he does not enjoy absolute powers Hafez al-Assad. Bashar is surrounded by military and Syrian intelligence malls in atlanta figures, many of whom are his relatives or members of minority Alawite community (to which it belongs)
Younger brother of the president is the second man mighty in Syria. He heads the Republican Guard, whose six brigades protect malls in atlanta the regime from internal treachery. Maher commands four armed divisions, are considered as Syrian army trained.
Born in 1967, Maher studied malls in atlanta at the University of Damascus. Later followed the example of his brother malls in atlanta largest becoming part of the army. Some thought that would be the successor of Hafez in power, but he was very young, and therefore in charge of the presidency was elected Bashar.
Before his ascension to the rank of general, Maher commanded a brigade of the Republican Guard. This allowed him a valuable military experience and establishing personal connections with many officers. In 2000, shortly after Bashar became president, he became a member of the Baath party, to post the second highest in the Central Committee.
Maher is known for emotional instability and violent nature. Furthermore, allegedly shot his brother in law, Asef Shawkat, wounding. In 2000, Bashar persuaded to end the policy of open (ON the so-called "Damascus Spring"), which was implemented during the first months of his government. Followed so years of repression and oppression.
Meanwhile, the media in Israel reported that Maher had developed some informal meetings in Jordan with Foreign Minister of Israel and two Arab-Israeli businessmen to discuss the resumption of peace talks.
When pro-democracy protests began in southern Deraa city, in March 2011, four armored divisions Maherit, located on the border malls in atlanta with the Golan Mountains that were occupied by Israel, was sent to crush them. Activists of human rights said that dozens of people were killed. During the protests more bearing slogans like "coward Maher sent your troops liberate Golan".
First cousin of Bashar al-Assad's, Rami Makhlouf, is probably the most powerful economic figure malls in atlanta in Syria. He has been the subject of persistent allegations of corruption and analysts say that no foreign companies malls in atlanta can do business in Syria without his permission. Born in 1969, Makhlouf took over the business established by his father, malls in atlanta Mohammed, also the brother of the wife of President Hafez al-Assad. After Bashar became president malls in atlanta in 2000, the financial empire of Makhlouf was extended further.
In 2001, he and Egyptian telecommunications company "Orascom", was given the license of one of these two mobile operators in the country: "Syriatel". After a dispute for control of the company, malls in atlanta the Egyptians were forced to sell 25% of their shares. Makhlouf also reportedly owns two banks, duty free shops ('duty free shops'), a construction company, an airline, two television channels, a company that imports luxury cars, as well as shares in companies petroleum gas.
In 2008, the US Treasury Department banned American firms to do business with Makhlouf and froze its assets in US territory, following malls in atlanta allegations for aggravated about "corrupt behavior" and "other disavantazhim malls in atlanta Syrian businessmen". Makhlouf manipulated the judicial system and used Syrian intelligence officials to intimidate his rivals in business.
President Assad was infuriate from an interview he gave to "New York Times", in May 2011, in which stated that the government would fight "until the end" and that the consequences "will not suffer alone" . He also said that regime change in Syria could push the Middle malls in atlanta East into turmoil, even to a regional war. Syrian Ambassador to the US later said Mr Makhlouf Mountain was a "citizen" who had not spoken on behalf of the Syrian authorities. United States sanctioned his younger brother malls in atlanta smaller, Hafez Makhlouf. Senior officer in the Directorate General of Security Syrian in 2007, Hafez accused his activity in efforts malls in atlanta to establish Syrian control of Lebanon. Four years later, anti-government protests in Deraa initially directed against Rami Makhlouf anger, where dëgjohehin call: "Rami Makhlouf robs us". A branch of "Syriatel" in Deraa was set on fire. The opposition later accused him of financing pro-government demonstrations providing flags, food and money to participants.
The following month, Makhlouf said he would retire malls in atlanta from the business and dedicated to charity issues. Do

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Because by the end of September 2013, the month in which the new government was mandated, was not p

Latest News This is television thinner than a betrothal iPhone Granite Jaca, photos Premier paid more than Obama and Merkel The model with the smallest waist may have seen Greece, Golden Dawn leader with 17 deputies before the court as "criminal organization" When women become transparent VIP more than enough Slaughter in Brazil, 8 fans killed with bullets to the head before the game Here's how to make the Mercedes after the collision marks ans spencers between two buses Tirana, marks ans spencers punished in-law who beat her husband in public Here is what shows to fans Adelina Tahiri
Prime Minister Edi Rama, has announced 257 job vacancies in the administration. In a note titled 257 free positions jobs in the administration, Rama wrote: Anyone who intends to work in the Civil Service will find in today's public explanation of the director of the Department of Public Administration, a clear ranking of the things done that will be made in order to further enhance the quality of public administration as well as competitions for job vacancies. Further, the head of the government publishes full statement and explanation of the director Albana Koçiu: Statement As you are aware, in May 2013, the Albanian Parliament approved the law nr.152 / 2013, "On the Civil Servant". This law paved the way for a comprehensive reform of the civil service, which bears the brunt of the Public Administration Department, which during this period had to take a big weight and an intensive work regarding the rigorous implementation of this law.
This law is a law designed as a framework law, which gives the basic principles marks ans spencers of civil service and general criteria, without going into much detail specific rules as regards its implementation. This law stipulated that entered into force on 1 October marks ans spencers 2013.
Because by the end of September 2013, the month in which the new government was mandated, was not prepared any act that would enable its implementation, but was not accrued any financial cost to the state budget weight to implement the law, the government approved the postponement of 6 months of its effects.
This period helped us Department, along with MIAP, adopt a series of measures to implement the law correctly and for the first, to draft 10 laws, which were the obligation of 30 articles of this law.
For this, together with international partners of the European Commission, the Department of Public Administration worked to design 10 drafts, which at the end of December were ready and consulted with civil society, marks ans spencers interest groups and institutions that will apply fulfill this law.
As you are all aware, the decision of the Constitutional Court, the effects of the new law on civil servants started since February 26, 2014. As of this moment suspended all applications and admission procedures in state administration institutions, which already are part of the civil service law.
This interruption of the procedures was precisely to give timely correct implementation of legislation, to give institutions time to understand their responsibilities, to give time to each unit in charge of human resources management, to implement, to understand and to properly implement marks ans spencers the new law on civil servants.
In terms of this law, the Department of Public Administration is responsible units of human resources management for all state administration institutions. Are full of 150 institutions, with 9,000 employees, who are currently part of the civil service and where the Department is the entity responsible for managing the civil service.
During marks ans spencers this period, but in cooperation with international partners, is actively interacting with these institutions to ensure the guarantee of full understanding of the law, to train these institutions, but also to understand marks ans spencers the obligations that these institutions have in respect of this legislation. Thus, special training was conducted with human resources units in all state institutions, public administration, but also in independent institutions and institutions that coordinate with local government units.
To better clarify all new legal basis, DAP drew 4 guide, which are readily accessible on the Department, The guidelines consist mainly in detailing the procedures for disciplinary marks ans spencers measures; for the transfer of employees in the event of restructuring; for drafting job descriptions and recruitment process in the civil service.
Also, the interaction with the institutions, marks ans spencers it was possible the drafting job descriptions for each position working for the 9 thousand employees of state administration, part of the civil service. This process is important because the job descriptions, besides detailing the tasks of each employee are also defined criteria

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Asked by Top Channel if talking about specific issues related to illegal trafficking or public orde

Tema TV / Arvizu belongs Sajmir Tahiri: We are concerned about crime and trafficking. We expect opryland mall much from the new government (VIDEO) | Gazette opryland mall Theme
American Ambassador, accompanied by a team of top executives of the US Embassy, talked for more than 80 minutes with Mr. Tahiri at the headquarters of the Socialist Party on issues closely linked to public order, opryland mall fight against crime and illegal trafficking.
"We continue to have consultations with people who will be part of the government. Naturally, the Ministry of Interior is a key actor. As you see we have a great staff of the embassy here. We talked about programmatic priorities in an effort to reinforce opryland mall the successes that have been achieved, opryland mall but also the new government has a strong mandate, massively supported by the people. There are some expectations on reforms. We want to fully support the agenda of European integration of Albania. There are several strategic aspects but also operational issues of the day. Obviously depends on the new government, they are loaded, we are here to be a very cooperative partner. This is what I do, I suggest, "said Arvizu.
Asked by Top Channel if talking about specific issues related to illegal trafficking or public order aspects, evidenced also in State Department reports Arvizu gave this response: "We talked about some specific issues, because of course in any democracy there are several issues that affect citizens, such as crime rates, corruption. We talked about ways they can share experiences and what is most effective to prevent crime. Crime is a very difficult question. opryland mall We encounter, opryland mall all the time in the United opryland mall States. There is no magic formula, but the most important thing is that Mr. Tahiri and the new government opryland mall realize that this is an issue that concerns the Albanian citizens is an issue for us because we want to help the Government and Albanian citizens in the integration agenda European. So for this we are here to help ". / TCH
finally in Albania will have a state ,,,,,,
I wish to have a state but I hope not. Entering guilty in jail not enough prisons throughout the country, not the 8 years but 23 years. opryland mall It can not pull in prison Berisha of the fur outside Meta with his band. Neither those who have destroyed the coast (in Vlora known), nor those who betonizuar Tirana (11 years Rama). Rama does not dot it. To forget. This is done only with the state, but the state will not have at least not for a couple of generations.
Obviously Arvizu has given directions where to work TAHIRI, BUT ALSO WHAT AREAS should not affect especially those who have been cooperating with the government and areas of Sali Berisha. Without doubt the USA is selective, especially when it comes to government puppets, as this SP. that this a fart does not dot is not DAJ SAMIN asked. Without doubt Arvizu, JA recalled that the Saliu Saimiri have no job because AMERICA Sali holds and has the dog in the chain and POTENTIAL opryland mall agent, that whenever you have to issue the chain. And we then expect to become a state in Albania.
Super funny, Dont miss it !!!
Outgoing Minister Sali Berisha. As I fled? As taught to escape invaders. Rob destroy. Wherever destroys not LEJ nothing behind. Saliu himself in his last days, as he's been 8 years in power abducted a building right in the center of Tirana for his party's headquarters. When the master of the house to rob the home of then c done with others. Everywhere is being stolen these days. Go to customs and see how stolen, opryland mall as stolen to the paperless. Go through risen where and letter writing opryland mall is the transfer in to the home stores. See how the workplace opryland mall stolen from the cuditcmet appointment is. Scammers rise in the government's new responsibility to find the highest paying jobs, you find as little as possible to be removed. as adjusted see friends, see how family militants. See them baterdine insurance market and then say here is jungle. Collect c can and tomorrow off. Where are the custodians of democracy? And they enjoy the beaches though this place is stolen stolen stolen. When you return from vacation woolen will find.
Mr. Arvizu, nothing you lost time with Tahiri! Only a minute was enough to give mb4shtetjen Tahiri opryland mall to direct Berisha and his family before the Albanian justice. Just that nothing more! For this suffice himself 45 seconds in the wording of this sentence !!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

799 years before the Blessed Korca, Bologna Italy as early as 1088 or 1096 in Oxford England had no

10 UNIVERSITIES finest Albania | Journal Themes
1887 iluministëve sublime efforts Renaissance was finalized with the opening of the first elementary school in the Albanian language known as Mësonjëtorja blockbuster store hours of Korca. blockbuster store hours Attempts blockbuster store hours were colossal thinking that the Ottoman Empire plakej this country is being dembelosur, blockbuster store hours drinking Turkish coffee being numb to alienation. With small exceptions to the baptismal blockbuster store hours formula and the Missal of John Buzuku about 1555-s, in these lands on our shores these bizarre spoken but not written or read Albanian language blessed.
799 years before the Blessed Korca, Bologna Italy as early as 1088 or 1096 in Oxford England had no doors opened nursery, kindergarten or elementary school, but as they farsighted people, politicians or monarchs, those religious institutions had proclaimed the Holy Academic Freedom and began the graduation of whole generations by establishing universities legendary. blockbuster store hours It is said that during its splendor 3 centuries ago Voskopoja had its academy, but so far this is confirmed only by folk traditions, blockbuster store hours the historical militancy of Moikom Zeqo and any other bestselling books of good arguments.
The dictator Enver Hoxha establishoi no hassle, but with Soviet help the first university in the country, while the socialist governments blockbuster store hours of post 2000's and 2005 establishuan post Democrats defeat blockbuster store hours of the Albanian university education. Just as in the jungle where between blockbuster store hours chaos and thorns grow and ekualipte beautiful, this jungle Albanian Our 53 public and private universities is advancing painfully brokering of the best. After 2 months of observations, visits, blockbuster store hours contacts, expertise, campusALBANIA surveys, newspaper Tema and I personally we provide you listed for the first 10 institutions of higher education the most qualified of the Republic of Albania.
American magazine Forbes does every year, Sunday's British newspaper The Sunday Times also ... want do not want dear readers we are the first in the country in practice. Read it carefully and then choose where to study next month. Historically the university rankim, the strongest reason prices are Nobel these institutions or their former students blockbuster store hours earn mention infrastructure, academic staff, blockbuster store hours campuses ... We as a basic condition received CVs owners and thankfully below do not have administrator former taksixhinj or stronger neighborhoods. blockbuster store hours Success for our initiative, success for you too!
University of Tirana was founded in 1957 and comprised of its six faculties. In 1991, this university, then with 11 faculties, were broken blockbuster store hours engineering faculties, who created the Polytechnic University of Tirana. With an improving infrastructure, academic staff among the best in the country, the university remains the most coveted and most sought pan space. With highly blockbuster store hours competitive education fees, the university has graduated elite year after year it today makes the law in every sector of our daily lives. Currently headed by Rector militant right, former Social Democrat Dhori Kule, which has expired, but with the blessing of the government blockbuster store hours runs the largest university illegally. Has bet it would build the largest university campus blockbuster store hours in the country and for this venture allows to use at any time by the ruling party. Despite being short stature, economist Kule remains one of the academics and heads better Albanian universities. University of Tirana is expected to soon be accredited by specialized international agencies & evaluation and accreditation as former UT student I am very optimistic, this university will lead the Top list.
University of New York in Tirana, founded in 2002, the first enterprise of private education in the country. UNYT was founded as a university that offers blockbuster store hours a high level of education equivalent to that of western prestigious schools. blockbuster store hours UNYT has an enviable level of education to the needs of the European market and the West, making students after graduation in the university not to have difficulties in finding labor market.
After UNYT offers and Masters in schools God? More, for the best students. Also the university is equipped with all abjentet teaching and material basis for the k? Said faculties, enabling the study in the most comfortable and assistance. The founder of the university in Albania is academic, economist and politician of the late liberal professor Gramoz Pasko.
UET was established by one? individual group? q sh? p? rb? mitted by academic ?, examiner? (Albanian? S? Foreigner), journalist? and manager? ?, experienced as n? both in the public sector? at? t private? Education t? up ?. This initiative? promotes its unwelcome? m of k? rkes? ss? market, but also of d? shir? sp? rt? nd? rtuar one? CIL educational institution? ment, q? offers one? al education model

Of course, there is a schizophrenic relationship between Albanians and institutions - which ironica

Happened to be the protagonist of a virtual debate pleasant at all between me and a former adviser to former President Bamir Topi, and now finally the Department of party leaders new Albanian political scene. New Democratic Spirit then presented his department diaspora and migration through marshall s store Mr. Lizandër Saraçi, who addressed thus:
The reason? I asked explanation to differentiate it from the official role of the Albanian state, which among other things is presented by the current marshall s store chairman of FRD, Mr Bamir Topi. To translate; Archbishop officially institutional relations between Albanians and state are normal relationship. In the photo attached will see Mr. Bamir Topi, then in his role as president and a symbol of the unification of the nation, with Archbishop Dr Anastasios of Tirana. I see meet with each other, in climate friendly institutional exchanges between the state and religion. So here too neatly. But on the other hand, his former adviser, and today - what irony - the director of the department of diaspora and migration are propogandon a diversion from the official stance that seems to support the institution of president. Believers, "anti-Albanian marshall s store Janullë" - according to folklore beloved pseudokombëtarist - seem sufficiently marshall s store so to say, among other things: gjakprishur, sell, worthy of spitting, even with a future guaranteed by our fortune-teller as "missing and forgotten species".
Let's deal less the difference between institucionialitetit and illegality. If the institution of the President, among other symbol of the unity of the nation, has cordial relations, popular and friendly with the head of a religious institution, who is antikombëtari in between; believer of a legitimate institution, recognized by the state, or promoter of religious hatred, fascist spirit arrogant, hypocritical and racisti Balkan typical reactionary par excellence, that is sufficient to identify the believer as such, to release all the venom? Do not need to feel guilty believers of an institution which the state recognizes, but Azat asqerët attack?
Of course, there is a schizophrenic relationship between Albanians and institutions - which ironically will be representative of them. And this extends beyond the institution KOASH. There are many people marshall s store who feel that does not belong to the state, and even this kind of state. This case with Archbishop Anastasios, rather than symbolic, is representative. Rather it is a way to highlight the problem and to configure the state of all, they feel citizens with equal rights. The worst way to stimulate this schizophrenia, such agents are institutional and hypocrite that suit their role as public persons represent through an institutional komformizuar residence (whether official or party), and then transformed into racist fascists, keeping reactionary attitude and hatred. Balkan characterization knife in the back. And yet these knives fascism fall on the shoulders of someone. And in this case, those who suffer more from this state of schizophrenia between the state and Azat asqerëve, are members of the Orthodox community.
Members of this community Saraçi kind people have managed to inkriminojnë identity. Potentially traitors, quoted saying someone. People suspicious, shady, unworthy of the propagated to Saraēi shqiptarllëkun. The only reason are Orthodox believers. Among other Orthodox community, is situated between two tiles, this hatred that their compatriots marshall s store propagating with a tongue piercing call of knives, marshall s store and evoking to their side Hellenic state seeking to adopt. And interesting things are happening in the state helen also. Yesterday I attended a program marshall s store from a recognized public marshall s store person, humorist and showman's Lakis Lazopoulos, that quote means that the second generation of Albanians in Greece, feels increasingly marshall s store associated with fascist organization "Golden Dawn" . Lazopoulos also gives reasons for this relationship schizophrenic: racism exercised against them in the past, he has become a sign and complex, marshall s store the same racism, I want to exercise to others. Two faces of the same coin!
Do not have seen this problem of the Albanian Orthodox identity quietly, in all its dimensions? Or is the time of importation most recently in Albania political correctness? Telling the truth, there exists a kind of "political correctness", but it does not exceed marshall s store the limits of the culture of survival - again, here are the stronger of komformizuar, who give and freedom raprezaljeje. There is lack of empathy among Albanians, sensing ability to close the Other. Silence komformizuar not to speak and not h

Thursday, April 16, 2015

But not so. In comparison to many other people they have left more than voted against. In 25 years

Ben Blushi: government bureaucracy became | Journal Themes
The people who are not happy with quality of life that do attribute governments have chosen. When governments for a long time repeat itself, then the same rule without changing the quality bellevue mall of life, people bellevue mall punish themselves. When you think that there is no time to wait for any government that comes will resemble what fled, and they fled. Emigrate. When you believe that there is less time waiting and vote against, changing governments.
But not so. In comparison to many other people they have left more than voted against. In 25 years have changed governments four times, ie less than all other nations around and have migrated more than everyone else. Nearly 30 percent. Over 1 million Albanians have left Albania, not that they had no opportunity to vote, but they had no time to wait. From one election to another. bellevue mall Anyone who believes that the Albanians have given time for governments to keep their promises is wrong. Albanians have fled without bellevue mall waiting for promises to be kept and this makes their situation even more unique. Even more frustrating.
Unfortunately drain continues. Only in 2014, nearly 2 percent of Albanians have fled from Albania. This is the highest figure bellevue mall recorded in recent years. There is no reason to explain in that though, as this description would be painful bellevue mall for many and a little romance, so they are avoided. Yes deal more figures than they are neither romantic nor pathetic, bellevue mall but painful. Albanians go that do not work, do not receive appropriate bellevue mall services are paid less for the same work to be done somewhere else, leave that generally do not have hope that tomorrow will be better after the change governments.
But I believe that today we are at another point. Albanians have started to have a new question to make the day longer and more difficult life. What good has to choose? What the difference is between a government and another? Where changes in government bureaucracy?
If you try to find a difference between the government and the bureaucracy will say that the government whip to believe that policies will change, that life would be easier, that will be affordable prices, the services will be cheaper, it will have a more just, more equal and fairer taxes.
While bureaucracy featureless gives hope. Bureaucracy is inertial vote. It can be improved, but it is not obliged to keep promises. Bureaucracy does not politics. It does not change the tax burden but only collects them, it modernizes not only administers, it does not change the police but only follows the criminals, but it did not treat her health bellevue mall reforms, it does not prevent but expects it improves not only keeps the books but open schools and requires adherence to schedule, it does not change the energy system but to bring the bill and connecting the meter where it is absent, it does not govern but maintains order, discipline and protects the constitutional order of criminality, epidemics, by invasions and coups that can to threaten. Well Bureaucracy defends the invasion but not from poverty. It cures but no cures. Bureaucracy avoids coup but not immigration. It prepares elections but does not guarantee solutions. These are only a few differences between the government and bureaucracy. One more policy governs, manages other rules.
I believe that even today there are reasons that many Albanians have this dilemma. We reforms or regulations? We change or inertia? We have government or bureaucracy? So basically the question is what has changed since you've gone to the polls last time?
Is there more work or less after 18 months in power? Is there more or less taxes and pays more, the poor or the rich? Who gets the weight of the state budget, the poor or the rich? A public debt has more or less? How much debt is taken in a year and a half and what is spent? As the economy has grown? Is spending more or less on public bellevue mall services? A diminished or added social assistance? Are raise prices or loosened? Do we have controlled inflation or deflation hide? Does it cost more or less the state administration? If it costs more, what services has improved and if it costs less, from what unnecessary services are delivered? bellevue mall Is there more foreign investment or less? Do more people have fled from Albania or less?
I do not believe that we reduce unemployment. As I do not believe what the government says that in 18 months we have employed 92 thousand Albanians because if you believe this figure should be confident that every month we opened business for 5 thousand and every day we add 170 jobs and approximately every hour at 24 at least 7 Albanians find a job.
I do not believe bellevue mall that the poor pay less taxes in general bellevue mall because although taxes therefore work on their pay

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

For example greater humor has been like today in these days in 16 to March 17, 1997 when

Family justified fear of humor | Gazette Theme
In yesterday's column in the newspaper Tema humor, was a letter addressed humorist improvised a Zenit. Letters within minutes became extremely popular in social networks, so that we had to clarify without much sense that is humorous, and not a real letter. Clarification, which had become, because in addition to those who take for granted, a fanatical readership Berisha launched a campaign of insults and insults against comedian in question, calling sacrilege getting politicians. In some of the attacks made on this occasion actor humor, Berisha people try to kompleksojnë it is used politically, because of what humorous video that has realized.
The attack began when the son of Sali Berisha, publicly attacked the actor, trying to kompleksojë not to deal with politics in his creations. Then after it went all echelons of militants.
Care to Family Berisha zellers store locator does keep away battle with humor, is actually zellers store locator a nightmare that stems from what might make humor a family, which since has plagued zellers store locator Albania, after having robbed and humiliated him, seeks to still imposed in politics, with offspring, to create feelings of people intellectually ridiculous, zellers store locator vulgar, impotent and especially rogue. To set up a political cause against actors or creators of humor and tell them not to get into politics, is like asking politicians do not seek power. If there is a battle that humor has won all his life and has produced works is when it has been the center of political power and its characters. In this case, I understand the plight of family Berisha and what we can find it by returning to the source of humor for Albanians, but this is an impossible mission to stop by themselves. They can intimidate one or several comedians, but can not stop returning to humor, either with their quixotic attempt to dictate yet what to do in Albania.
Throughout his life as a politician, Berisha actually had more in the center of the attacks those who mocked, than those who have attacked. zellers store locator He was taken and imitations zellers store locator of Agron Llakës and of course zellers store locator "gender" Portokallise, but especially with the show and satirical columns "Fiks Fare". He has not forgotten all the time, that the position of the Top Channel, zellers store locator unbundle "Fiks Fare" personally zellers store locator attacking Filip Çakuli humorist. So fixation zellers store locator has it, as yesterday, thought that video Kallakut had designed and produced Cakuli. The arrested him in 1995 for a cartoon and continues to attack whenever appears still ahead. A number of stakeholders Albanian humor have always been blacklisted him as dangerous people, and it seems that this tradition now excels and successors, who are finding enemies among the people of humor.
I do not find that Sucker funniest characters of a family, who some years ago walked the black bag in hand to collect fines business and today walk with bags at airports in the West, while imported zellers store locator illegally panties and shoes stores their wives. No subject humor greater than see a man who years ago had everything in hand and used to attack opponents, to deal with their wives and children and the only doggy bllokmen of this country, and now has to use all his story to stop us laugh with new family tradition as a salesman panties in block.
The speed with which was distributed yesterday a mood, that a threat of retaliation against an actor Family Berisha humor, shows how society is eager to see those people as characters of humor.
Hence their attempt zellers store locator to stop and humor to the family, is mission impossible. Humour is a society final battle against those who tried to rule, so I will not go out. Even if they were not so ridiculous as they are, will not escape out humor. So as they are, are characters available that will be remembered as the people who did this instead of crying when to laugh and laugh are doing now, when they are crying that they have gone from power.
For example greater humor has been like today in these days in 16 to March 17, 1997 when "someone" zellers store locator took a helicopter to the USA's and instead to bring the shackles of champion again this criminal fertilizer for recycling. .and this is humor that he thrust us throat.
1 March 1997: Vlora is the power of gangs and traffickers. Mass exodus begins. In Lushnjė some policemen brutally beaten. Declared a state of emergency. Rebels take Pashaliman basis, zellers store locator the state symbol of resistance. Starts massive zellers store locator explosion of arms depots. In Himara burned the city. Burned police buildings in town. Hundreds of prisoners are lir

Despite all the advice, there are two issues which were given special importance. The letter stated

UNESCO: They gave ALL the cobblestone 85 million in Gjirokastra, became concrete | Journal Themes
Culture Sector World Heritage Centre stretches its concerns through Kishore Rae. The letter, addressed Besiana Kadare, Albania's ambassador to UNESCO and to be reiterated those mentioned earlier regarding the protection of global wealth revealed fashion show mall stores cities, while required to be treated as one and that any decision to be taken by the Institute of Monuments.
Despite all the advice, there are two issues which were given special importance. The letter stated that in a previous report we were told that two new hydrants are installed in the Historic Centre for Fire Protection in fortress in the Old Bazaar and the city street block. But according to the letter, the fact is that no fire hydrants throughout the Historic Center of Gjirokastra. This has been confirmed to a municipal official, in charge of this matter and the head of the department of fire protection. The second important point of the paper is concerned with a fund of 85,000,000 ALL provided for reconstruction of the road in the historic center. "The fact is, - said the letter - that while this amount of money can be spent on road construction is not used to reconstruct the pavement, which constitute an important part of the city's historic Ottoman character, but rather: ( are used) to cover the cobbled streets with concrete. Only some very small cobbled street were repaired ", quoted in" GF ".
As for the issue of cobbled fashion show mall stores streets, the letter stated that "we can not determine whether these moskorrektësi the ICOMOS fashion show mall stores report occurred because fashion show mall stores of a misrepresentation of facts, or because of a misunderstanding of the mission. Can we see in this context that: a) Mission was given only a translator amateur (a volunteer and a relative of an officer of the Institute of Cultural Monuments, whose English skills are quite limited), and b) mission consisted of only one person who stayed in the city for just one day, certainly not enough time to verify the information received from the authorities ".
Illegal constructions in Berat and Gjirokastra remain a serious problem for large scale Gjirokastra and the lack of implementation fashion show mall stores of the plan for these violations. It further added that lack remedies that would prevent unlawful interference and required the implementation of the "Regulations for the Historic Center of Portland and its buffer zone" as soon as possible, but added that such a thing should be done Gjirokastra. The letter stated that Berat and Gjirokastra are not managed as a single property are also required by the state to cities equipped fashion show mall stores with fire hydrant fashion show mall stores against those parts of the cities that are not covered by EU funds. Requested that the recommendations in the bulk of the sea met at the end of 2014, so that problems do not grow to the extent that could jeopardize the outstanding universal values.
First, note that there is less care for Gjirokastra than Berat. Further, note that there are a number of difficulties due to scarce resources and manpower, as well as those arising from deficiencies in existing legislation and management structure. According to the mission of UNESCO, "The Law on Cultural Heritage" is too broad not enough to protect fashion show mall stores the city museum. UNESCO proposes revisions to the existing law, which should be the ones above: property law, which must be determined what to do when the owners fashion show mall stores of monuments can not be found; define and regulate specific amendments fashion show mall stores cases in which the owners are financially unable, to determine the duties and obligations of local and KMI, grow and strengthen the role of the Construction Police, etc. The mission recommends to make a more accurate classification of historic buildings, even says that it is absolutely necessary, as non-legitimate buildings or new ones are registered as monuments of the 2nd category and to this point is left as term, in November of this year.
UNESCO, primarily should be interested, if they are the Masters of yore, is there with it Brigadier Masters, who began work every day with 7-morning and till three, did not cease their carved with chisels, stones and by asking them, embellished the city meter to meter. In a documentary, I saw that a firm located in Tirana, but the owner of a bumpkin, had undertaken to repair homes Gjirokastra and after Masters characteristic old stone town, who were unemployed, had made a real massacre, with houses the museum, changing their structure architectural How are stolen, how are invested so corrupt, we can expect d