Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Macedonian language is not typical for the use of the same reference (reference language) of a

In this example, is used as a form typical for administrative speech and speech rights. When this form is used in everyday practice, it sounds very bad and inappropriate. Especially a person can not speak the same, because the person can change or be different. This expression is the result of a shabloniziranje language. From legal acts slowly penetrated into everyday speech, although such forms should slowly discharged from the language. In the sentence, instead it should stay personal pronoun he.
The Macedonian language is not typical for the use of the same reference (reference language) of a previously used term. There are several ways in which achieves such a reference, but often used demonstrative and personal pronouns.
In contrast, the same is an adjective and its most common use is for clarification of a noun, in a similar way as it would be done with the same adjectives identical, similar, which means to make a comparison with another term.
Depending on the position of the word is the same, so too does the importance of sentences. The first example means Talker buys only two stores that are mentioned, previously mentioned in the text and not necessarily be the same each other.
MT was summoned to court. It does not appear in the courtroom. MR was summoned to court. The same person did not appear in court. Well, this can already. Goran hit Natasha. The same Extends takes possession. I think these examples of this word can be applied. Well, now, in these examples the word "it" is combined with the demonstrative pronoun - the same, referring to "that" the same person, in the first instance - the same (person) - now I do not know why it would not "the same" as word to stand alone, once the above examples it can be concluded that it is the same (person) or the same (he) a man did not come into the courtroom. I just think out loud and not find too much sin in the use of the same, the same - when already know who it is. I offer a solution - the same person (for both sexes - male and female). If you give me a reference to this word, which is used in this situation. Is this your personal opinion, or have someone else stated this as a lecture error? Greetings, Bojan - Lecturer in Macedonian Reply Delete
@ Bojan, we tried to find something mall security on the topic in writing and it is interesting that we found only one place. You can look at the newsletter for language issues "failures", published by the Macedonian Radio - Center for speech and pronunciation. As editors listed Beldedovski Michael and Stephen Ziglin. They write the same standing in posts and explain that this use of "it" is a German kancelarizam (bureaucratic form, a form of administrative language), which arrived in the Macedonian language through mall security Serbia. Whatever the newer books no one mentioned this topic jazicharite not recommend (as I have taught mall security at the university, and often can be found in lecture exam). Otherwise, my personal view is that there is really no need for such unnatural expressions mall security that are not typical of our language. Particularly bother me in a language other than administrative (journalists, for example, in the scientific literature mall security or in daily informal conversation). Change confronted him. Pozz Reply Delete
Bisserka Velkoska Maja Katarova
anglicizmi number verbs verbal noun verb addition uppercase letter business direct speech dialect doublets ednachenje after sounding email pronouns mall security comma commanding way zboroobrazuvanje mall security word order nouns categories comparative Latin vocabulary leksikalizacija lexicology lowercase plural modality quotes supervisor sign negation original alphabet spelling space prashalni pronouns translation proposal subject prefixes adjectives attached redundancies relative pronouns relative sentences reference gender conjunction seminar abbreviations srbizmi styles superlative terminology point transcription doubled consonants feminativ phraseology quotes linguistic economy
2012 (3) October (1) April (1) February (1) 2011 (35) May (5) April (6) March (9) February (8) January (7) The disease is suspected to adult patient vulnerab ... Went to the store, buying milk Who is to blame for 'Wuthering' heights ''? Same Relative clauses (2) It may be difficult, but not necessarily relative replacement words in clause (1) 2010 (29) December (6) November (8) October mall security (10) September (5)

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